Mount Semeru in east Java

    Mount Semeru in east Java Ever heard about Mount Semeru? For you lovers of hiking on the mountain must know exactly who came on in a series of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. For you lovers of Indonesian history, the name of Mount Semeru certainly never occurred to accompany the name of an activist and student leader,

    Mount Semeru bearing the title as the tallest mountain on the island of Java. Peak, Peak Mahameru, situated at an altitude of approximately 3676 m above sea level. Mahameru peak can be seen clearly from the city of Malang, and some other places with a perfect cone shape, but on the actual conditions in a broad dome-shaped peak with field heave every ridge. This mountain is one of the still active volcano in East Java, located between the Administration and Lumajang Malang Regency with exact geographical position between 7 ° 51 '- 8 ° 11' south latitude, 112 ° 47 '- 113 ° 10' East Longitude .

    taken from here

    Not only tourists Indonesia, too many foreign tourists who climb Semeru because of its natural beauty. Apart from Mahameru Peak, Mount Semeru attraction lies in the lakes that can be found along the route and the existing biodiversity. Lakes include Ranu Pani (2,000 masl), Ranu Regulo, and Ranu Kumbolo famous as a place of transit of the climbers (2390 masl). Also along the route can be found flora and fauna such as Pine Mountain (Casuarina sp.), Eagle Bondol (Haliastur indus), grouse and of course Edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica).

    Mount Semeru in east Java

    Flower Edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica), taken from here

    Mount Semeru in east Java

    Ranu Kumbolo, taken from here

    Climbing routes commonly used by the climbers is the route Tumpang - Malang. This route starts from Malang to Tumpang and dianjutkan to Ranu Pani. Then from Ranu Pani (last hamlet motorized travel) Ranu Kumbolo climbers heading, passing farmland Rejeng Watu area where the uphill journey begins. Then continues to pass Rise Kalimati Love the rather taxing and proceed to Savannah Oro-oro Ombo which is a grassland area of ​​more than 100 ha. Travel Cages and forwarded melwati Cemoro Meadow-Pot to reach Kalimati.

    The journey continues from Kalimati to Arcopodo which is the last camp before reaching the peak Mahameru. After overnight in Arcopodo trip continued to Top Mahameru with sandy soil with a slope over almost 60-70 degrees. Special vigilance is required in the past this field because many stones - a landslide by the wind or climbers above us.

    Mount Semeru in east Java

    Soe Hok Gie.

    Mount Semeru in east Java

    Peak Mahameru is unique, ie, every 10-15 minutes or so spewing ash and volcanic rock that preceded bursts of dark despair, black soaring into the sky as if the highway - will be covering the entire top. Temperatures at the top Mahameru sometimes 0-4 degrees Celsius which is thick with fog and wind storms.
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